Mini Residency Part 1 - Become a Butekyo style BreathCoach Breathing Educator 

Whether you're new to the world of breathing education, or whether you have had previous training, this program will equip you to become a key player in our movement towards improving access to excellent care in breathing training. 

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2024 Mini Residency

Mini Residency October 2024

Become a Buteyko style BreathCoach

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Welcome to Mini Residency Part 1

Next Course: October 2024.

This in depth course is by application only and is intended for existing health practitioners to learn to become BreathCoach Buteyko breathing educators.

It is split into 2 Sections as follows:

The Breathing Knowledge:
7 consecutive weekly Sessions of approximately 135 minutes (on average) pre-recorded lecture material totalling 16 hours.
Plus 7 live Zoom Q and A Check ins (1 hour each).
Plus 10 hours of extra learning materials.

The Breathing Experience
Experiential breathing training workshops. You are acting as a 'breathing client'.
Based on the classic Buteyko Institute Method and runs for 4 consecutive days (2 hours each day).
Plus 1 private consultation before and 2 private consultations after.
Plus 90 minutes extra learning material.

Mini residency Part 1.

Total Professional Development Hours:
44 hours


Limited to 15 places at a time

Each course only has 15 students at a time to ensure that all of your questions can be addressed at each weekly live Zoom 'check in.' During our time together online you will learn from your classmates' questions.

15 weeks duration in depth course

The Breathing Knowledge lasts 7 consecutive weeks. In week 8 we have private 1 on 1 consultations. In week 9 we do The Breathing Experience for 4 consecutive days. In weeks 10 and 15 we have more private 1 on 1 sessions.

BreathCoach Certified

After completing the Mini Residency Part 1 you will be credited as a Level One Certified BreathCoach. The learning doesn't stop there but you will be able to begin your journey as a Buteyko breathing educator .

“A perfect man breathes as if he is not breathing”

Lao Tzu

Why become a breathing educator?


Access to care for breathing dysfunction is poor. At BreathCoach, we are here to change that. We need breathing educators now.

Breathing dysfunction is a cause of many common symptoms of poor health including snoring, sleep apnoea, asthma and anxiety.

Learning the Buteyko technique can assist with relief from physical and emotional symptoms associated with habitual hyperventilation and other aspects of dysfunctional breathing.

Upon completion of the Mini Residency in Breathing Physiology and Breathing Training Part 1 students are 'Level One Certified BreathCoaches' and are equipped to begin Buteyko breathing training with simple cases, such as providing assistance with correction of mouth breathing, snoring, mild sleep apnoea in cases where there are no co-morbidities present. Once you have experience with simple cases you will be ready to further your educational journey as a BreathCoach.

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'The Breathing Knowledge' - 7 Consecutive weeks

Module 1

Normal Breathing vs Dysfunctional Breathing

Module 2

Causes of Dysfunctional Breathing

Module 3

Effects of Dysfunctional Breathing

Module 4

Neuroplasticity & Breathing Training

Module 5

Recap of learning

Module 6

Hof vs Buteyko - Complimentary Paradoxes

Module 7

Final recap and preparation for 'The Breathing Experience'

'The Breathing Experience' - 4 Consecutive Days

Day 1

Breathing fundamentals, sleep and the breath, breathing tips and an introduction to breathing training exercises practical

Day 2

Day 1 recap. Nutrition, eating and breathing. Panic attacks, anxiety and breathing exercises

Day 3

Day 2 recap. Sport and breathing exercises. Environmental triggers and breathing

Day 4

Managing illness with breathing exercises. Summary of each day. Preparation for the review sessions

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