Welcome to BreathCoach

Our mission is toĀ increase awareness of the importance of functional breathing, while improving worldwide access to excellent careĀ in Buteyko Breathing Training.

We are creating a global community of like-minded and effective Buteyko breathing educators.

Become a BreathCoach Buteyko breathing educator.

Join the Mini Residency Part 1Ā which starts in October 2024

More Information

Online Courses

Learn from the comfort of your own home or office. The Introductory Course and Hof Vs Buteyko Courses are available now.

We also have the 44 hour online mini residency to become a Buteyko style breathing educator. This is by application only.

To apply please email:

[email protected]


Mini Residency Dates

Some courses are running constantly, whereas others such as the Mini Residency last for a specific time frame.

Our next Mini Residency begins in October 2024. This course runs once a year and has limited spaces available.


BreathCoach Community

Students are eligible to join the Private Facebook page. This is a place to network, share information and ask questions.


In your own time but not alone

Our Mini Residency Part 1 course is an extensive body of work which can be watched in your own time. There are a maximum of 15 students per course so that your live Zoom group learning sessions with your instructor provide ample opportunity to have all your questions answered and to learn from your class-mates.

Our vision to grow together

We envision a time when every major city around the world has a BreathCoach. Not only will this provide access to great care for people suffering from symptoms of breathing dysfunction, our collective voice will be stronger and louder. Only together will we really put the power of Breathing Training fully on the map of the world and at the forefront of health and wellbeing.

Try the Introduction Course now

This is approximately 3 hours worth of learning and is a great way to test the waters to find out if you are inspired to become a BreathCoach Breathing Educator.

Take a sneak peak at the Mini Residency.

The Mini Residency Part 1 in Breathing Physiology and Breathing Training is an extensive online course totalling approximately 44 hours of education. Lectures are professionally filmed in high definition for an excellent viewing experience. During The Breathing Knowledge there are live weekly check ins on Zoom, for 7 weeks. To complete the course The Breathing Experience is undertaken (online via Zoom) with your classmates over 4 consecutive days. During this you act as the breathing client so you get opportunity to experience breathing training for your own health and learning experience.

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